Roxane is both a coach and trainer. Thanks to a logical and structured neuroscientific approach, she highlights the underlying logic of soft skills.
She holds a degree in Engineering from the Polytechnique, is a graduate of the NeuroLeadership Institute and was also trained in Neuroscience and Leadership at the MIT.
She has over 25 years’ experience in the business world, helping develop the emotional, collective and social intelligence of the managers and leaders she coaches. Roxane is also the President of Evolutrek (NeuroLeadershift) and Qilucru TM
A certified professional coach, she has been a member of the ICF and SICPNL since 2006. She is also an international expert member of the NLP Leadership Summit.
She believes in the importance of combining real-life, practical experience with a solid academic foundation. She is a Certified Corporate Director (CCD) and an IAS member. In addition to being a neuroscience specialist, Roxane also has strong interpersonal communication skills:
• Synergist, trained in body language and non-verbal language, member of AQS
• Mediator, using the NVC approach
• NLP Post-Master, perfected in Neuro-Semantics
Say yes to demystifying and anticipating certain human behaviors by discovering how the brain works.
Say no to conflicts that waste time and energy and undermine collaboration, without understanding reactions, what is going on, or why.
A health educator, her approach is holistic and human, and aims for intentional and conscious leadership that helps create a world we will still want to belong to in 2100.
By focusing on four key aspects—Head | Heart | Body | Communication— she aims to set your ambitions and aspirations in motion, and make it easier and faster for you to achieve them.
We can organize a tailor-made training course with this expert, in your company, to develop your teams' skills in line with their work reality.
To find out more, visit or 514 380-0380 / (toll-free) 1 877 380-8228