Computer systems have not only become omnipresent; but also, increasingly complex, thus further manipulating and enriching existing data cross-functionally according to a chain of interactions that is not always predictable, triggering relevant processes or alerts, interacting with one another and – finally – generating other data flows.
Additionally, the hyper-connectivity dimension – brought by the Web and the progressive generalization of access to large volumes of data – also makes the readability of data more difficult.
Multiple accesses to operational systems and data sources are, also, becoming a matter of concern in terms of data quality, integrity and security – just as the systems interdependence is, now, constituting a challenge for data security.
In this respect, cross-interactions, systems complexity, huge amounts of data, multiple sources and accesses, data intelligibility and systems surveillance are, now, becoming more complex –in terms of behaviors and data, alike.
All such elements – therefore – exist to make a richer and more equipped surveillance and reporting system necessary, supported by rigorous practices in place within a controlled global framework.
In this context, Technologia offers training courses on concrete security practices (i.e., cybersecurity, security governance, etc.) and on dedicated tools to collect, enrich and consolidate existing data so as to produce intelligible dashboards and reports, such as MS SSRS, Power BI, etc.