René-Louis Comtois

René-Louis first worked in project management before devoting himself to quality management. In 2000, he founded Formations Qualitemps with a clear objective: to offer concrete, applicable solutions in work management and organization. A seasoned expert and accomplished practitioner, he works as a speaker, trainer, coach and consultant.

Author of seven books published by Québec Livre, he is recognized for his in-depth expertise and pragmatic approach. Creator of the Qualitemps method, he has made his mark on the business world by guiding participants at all levels of management and in all sectors towards achieving their objectives. His mission is to propose tangible solutions for greater efficiency and well-being at work.

We can organize a tailor-made training course with this expert, in your company, to develop your teams' skills in line with their work reality.
To find out more, visit or 514 380-0380 / (toll-free) 1 877 380-8228
René-Louis Comtois