Benoit Tremblay

In 2001, Benoit Tremblay obtained his diploma in computer management and started working for different municipalities in Quebec for a few years before leaving the country to pursue his university studies in France. In 2004, he obtained his second degree in Crisis Management and Strategic Command, which earned him a position with a major European paramilitary organization that deployed him to Turkey and Iraq on cyber security missions in cyber warfare mode for the next seven years.

In 2011, he returned to Canada in the healthcare sector as an IT coordinator. In 2014, he launched his own cybersecurity consulting and solution implementation firm, serving small, medium and large organizations across the country.

Since 2018, Benoit is a regular speaker offering private consultations to renowned companies such as Caisse Populaire Desjardins, Manac, Bugatti, BDC, Technologia, to name a few. And this year, with the creation of Cyber D Consulting, Benoit specializes in IT risk analysis, providing companies with an inventory and corrective recommendations.
Benoit Tremblay