Specialized in management, Michel Filion, Ph.D.(c) studies public policies promoting innovation and economic development.
With more than 25 years of experience in training adults, professionals and business people. He is solicited in America, Asia and Africa for diagnostics, organizational audits, project implementation plans, budgeting, as well as for executive training.
Since 2005, he has worked in over 40 countries.
He applies innovative practices that promote the production of new products and services. Recently, he made a significant intervention mobilizing Afro-descendants, indigenous people and other communities living in the Amazon basin to participate in the design of a multi-hundred million dollar US program.
In Quebec, since 2018, he has helped mobilize collective intelligence by combining traditional facilitation techniques with new technologies - particularly Civic-Tech. He has mobilized interested audiences for the identification of outcome indicators for research funding programs related to the Grand Challenges of Society. Supported the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé in the identification of a scope for a possible funding program for sustainable health research. It accompanied the three Fonds de recherche du Québec in the mobilization of organized civil society and representatives of the general public to develop the 2022-2025 strategic plan.
We can organize a tailor-made training course with this expert, in your company, to develop your teams' skills in line with their work reality.
To find out more, visit
formation@technologia.ca or 514 380-0380 / (toll-free) 1 877 380-8228