Talent management

Performance Assessment: Maximizing the Impact of Talent

Develop, motivate and retain your resources.
Une évaluation de la performance des employés est beaucoup plus qu’une simple formalité : c’est un processus conjoint entre vous et chacun d’entre eux. Comment vous y prendre pour garder le cap ? Choisissez un bon moment pour dialoguer avec chacun de vos employés à propos de leur performance. Communiquez clairement vos attentes. Soulignez les progrès réalisés. Assurez-vous que le plan de développement de chacun de vos employés favorise sa performance au travail.
1 day
See training dates for details
Regular fee
Preferential fee A preferential rate is offered to public institutions, to members of certain professional organizations as well as to companies that do a certain amount of business with Technologia. To know more, please read the "Registration and rates" section on our FAQ page. Please note that preferential rates are not available for online training courses. Discounts cannot be combined with other offers.

Objectives of the training

Be able to conduct performance appraisals that focus on the development of individuals and foster a positive work environment

Targeted audience

All managers


Private or personalized training

If you have more than 8 people to sign up for a particular course, it can be delivered as a private session right at your offices. Contact us for more details.

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1 day
See training dates for details
Regular fee
Preferential fee A preferential rate is offered to public institutions, to members of certain professional organizations as well as to companies that do a certain amount of business with Technologia. To know more, please read the "Registration and rates" section on our FAQ page. Please note that preferential rates are not available for online training courses. Discounts cannot be combined with other offers.
Private or personalized training

If you have more than 8 people to sign up for a particular course, it can be delivered as a private session right at your offices. Contact us for more details.

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Request in-company training

If you have more than 8 people to sign up for a particular course, it can be delivered as a private session right at your offices. Contact us for more details.

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